dimecres, 29 d’abril del 2020


El 4 de maig i el 19 de maig a les 5h 15'

Noemí, Rosa, Sandro i Griselda.

( a les 6h de la tarde,)
Ester, Ceci, Joan Muñoz, Jordi Fernández i Estefanía.

 El 5 de maig i el 19 de maig

A les 5h15'

Jordi Tous, Stefany Londoño, Júlia i Àngela Sierra.

A les 6h

Anna, Antonio i Dídac

A les 7h

Fina, Inés i Gemma Munté, Teresa

A les 7h 45'

 Yolanda, Marta Toset, Natàlia i Elisabeth

divendres, 17 d’abril del 2020

Jo us passo un pdf amb enllaços a vídeos de nivell de  PET (Preliminary English Test) de Cambridge.

 Els vídeos de Real World estan força bé. 

Click here to watch the links to the videos.

dimarts, 14 d’abril del 2020

Would you like to watch the new original story of Little Red Riding Hood?

Click on this link.
Per a poder participar en el grup de conversa rebreu un correu mail amb el link i el password.

el 4 de maig i el 19 de maig a les 5h 15'

Noemí, Rosa, Sandro i Griselda.

Avui a les 6h de la tarde, (properes sessions el 5 de maig i el 19 de maig)
Ester, Ceci, Joan Muñoz, Jordi Fernández i Estefanía.

Avui a les 7h de la tarde. (properes sessions el 5 de maig i el 19 de maig),

Yolanda, Dolors i Dawnoi

Avui a les 7h 45', properes sessions el 5 de maig i el 18 de maig.

Yolanda, Dolors i Dawnoi

El 21 d'abril, el 5 de maig i el 19 de maig

A les 5h15'

Jordi Tous, Stefany Londoño, Júlia i Àngela Sierra.

A les 6h

Anna, Antonio i Dídac

A les 7h

Fina, Inés i Gemma Munté, Teresa

A les 7h 45'

 Yolanda, Marta Toset, Natàlia i Elisabeth

dimarts, 7 d’abril del 2020


Next week we start the conversation classes.

Tuesday 14th April

17h 15'  Noemi, Rosa, Sandro, Jordi Tous, Stefany

18h Ester, Ceci, Joan, Anna, Antonio, Dídac, Jordi Fernández

19h Yolanda, Dolors, Gemma, Dawnoi, 

19h 45' Fina, Inés

If anybody is interested in joining the conversation classes get in contact with me as soon as possible. You can write in the comment section too.

 Remember that it is necessary to have paid the "Quota suplementaria"  to participate in the activity.

dijous, 2 d’abril del 2020


In a semiformal letter you do not have to use special or too formal language but you have to avoid familiar language or colloquial expressions.

You are writing a letter to a person you do not know. So you do not have to ask "How are you doing?" "I hope to meet you soon". You just have to explain your problem as clearly as possible. Avoid unnecessary information. Do not exaggarate, explain the situation in an objective way, do not get passionate about it.

In the letter you can use 3 paragraphs.

1st paragraph.

Explain why you are writing the letter (explain the problem).

2nd paragraph

Explain why you are specially unhappy about the situation.

3rd paragraph

Suggest a solution. It is not necessary to be unpolite or rude. You can suggest a compromise too.

PET (B1 Preliminary) Speaking Exam - How to Do Part One of the Cambridge...

dimecres, 1 d’abril del 2020

IELTS General - How to write an informal letter

How to write a semi-formal letter for IELTSG Task 1

Your neighbour has a dangerous and noisy dog. You are terrified of it. Sometimes they leave the dog alone in the flat and it barks constantly.

 You have tried to speak to the owner but the problem remains. So, you have decided to write a letter the the chairperson of the block of flats where you live. Explain the problem and offer a possible solution to the problem.

125 words.

You can use the youtube video in the link below to get ideas how to write the letter.