dilluns, 23 de març del 2020

SOCIAL DISTANCE - A Randy Rainbow Song Parody


How this situation has affected your daily life?
Why don't you explain it in the comment below so we can all share it?
Do you have any good ideas to pass the time?
Any jokes you would like to share?
We are all looking forward to hearing them.

video click here

dilluns, 16 de març del 2020

You can watch this video and answer the questions in the comments section.

Verbs with "to" and "-ing" | Learn English | Canguro English

Hello guys,

Today is Monday. I was plannnig to finish unit 8A. We studied vocabulary related to work:

to be sacked
to be unemployed
to do overtime
to set up an online business

We also explain how to use infinitive verbs and gerunds as complement of another verb.

I stopped to talk to my sister.
I stopped talking to my sister.

What is the difference between the two precious sentences? If you know write it in the comments.

Do you want to do some exercises? Click here.

Some of you may want to practise writing. I think now is the perfect moment. Why don't you send me an email and explain to me something about your job: where do you work, what do you do, what do you like most, is there anything you don't like. 

divendres, 13 de març del 2020

Due to the Covid-19 the EOI of Reus will remain closed during the next two weeks.

dimecres, 4 de març del 2020